Monday 8 September 2014

GCSE Media Summer Research Project

A video clip from YouTube of the show   

GCSE Media Summer Research Project

TV News research

1) The key information about the programme: The programme that i have picked is BBC News at Five. It is Broadcasted on the BBC Platform daily at five o clock.The presenter is Huv Edwards,who is a BAFTA award-winning Welsh journalist, presenter and newsreader.The Programme itself has a duration of one hour(from 5pm to 6pm).
2) The institution behind the programme 

BBC is the institution behind the programme.The programme has been running for 9 consecutive years. The BBC started running in 1922.It is the world's oldest national broadcasting organisation[2] and the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees, with about 23,000 staff

3) The target audience 
 The target audience is Mid-Educated,middle class people.The age range is about from 14 to 75 for this specific programme.With an Average earning for work of 35 thousand.
4) The running order for three separate editions of the programme. 

30th of August 2014 

-Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal 
-Doctor dies of Eblola
-Mortgage Rate rises 
-Why do the big six energy providers still refuse to pass on price falls?

The Rotterdam scandal was the first in the order it caught the attention of people when switching on the channel.As the average viewer     of the this program has children which means that this "child abuse" would be 

concerning to them as they care about their children and the scandal is putting their children at risk.So therefore this story catches their attention.
Second in the list is the doctor who died from a new infection of virus callled ebola. Although this is a virus which is based in Africa,it concerns the people here in the UK as African People in the UK might have family in Africa.Which puts them at a risk,therefore it is concerning.The  mortgage rates have risen.This engages people who are buying house as it concerns them.
This news broadcast ends on a high note of hope hat the energy prices are going to fall.This story impacts nearly the majority of the viewers as energy prices/bills is a subject in every household.

31th of August 2014 
-Pakistan's army instructs prime minister Sharif to act without violence Tories should give Ukip free run in Clacton, MP suggests.                                  -Appointing Carol Mills as clerk The UK prime minister claims the relationship between Europe and Russia, Britain and Russia, America and Russia could be radically different in the future
1st September 2014
-Hugh Muir’s diary: He’s gone, but the spectre of Douglas Carswell haunts his old rivals
-Steve Bell on Binyamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin – cartoon
-Home Office worker investigating Rotherham child abuse 'had data stolen'
-David Cameron shelves move to ban British jihadis returning to UK


  1. WWW: You have picked out some good information about the BBC but this also lacks detail and accuracy in key places.
    EBI: The BBC 5pm News is only on the BBC News channel - you should have made this clear. Surely choosing one of the BBC1 bulletins would have made more sense? You've also made basic errors (Rotterdam rather than Rotherham) and you fail to explain the running order of the last two programmes you list. Raise your game!
    LR: Do you regularly watch the programme you researched? Why/why not? Where do you get your news from? Answer in a comment below.

  2. I do not watch the problem I researched because of how it is formatted.At the start,the presenter states all the news in a very short summary and then he/she goes into detail on all of the news. Usually the most interesting news is at the end.Which means i have to watch the whole program to the end to get informed on the news i want.This takes a lot of time so therefore i go on Sky news and "press the red button" as i can choose and click on the news I am interested in.
